About Pumpout Washington
Pumpout Washington is an education and outreach project of Washington Sea Grant in partnership with the Washington State Parks — Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. This public outreach program has engaged tens of thousands of boaters about the importance of properly disposing of their sewage. It has distributed more than 10,000 pumpout adapter kits to boaters, making it easier for them to empty their boat’s head.
Pumpout Washington
- informs recreational boaters about pumpout, dump station, and floating restroom locations across the state
- instructs recreational boaters on how to pump out their vessel effectively
- provides technical support to marina operators to keep their pumpout equipment in good working order
- provides free tools to boaters and marinas to promote efficient and safe pumping out

For more information:
Partner with a Payer – Resources
Check out this video to learn how money from the Sport Fish & Boating Trust Fund supports public pumpout access in Washington.
- Funding for Pumpout Washington is provided through a grant from the Washington State Parks – Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. The Washington State Parks Boating Program administers the state’s Clean Vessel Act (CVA) Grant Program. In addition to funding the public outreach program, Pumpout Washington, the Washington CVA Grant Program provides federal pass-through funding for the construction, renovation, operation, and maintenance of vessel sewage disposal systems for recreational boaters, e.g., pumpouts, pumpout carts, dump stations, pumpout boats, and floating restrooms.
- Funding for the Washington CVA Grant Program comes from the national Clean Vessel Act federal grant program, administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The National CVA Grant Program is funded by the Sport Fish Restoration and Boating Trust Fund, which is supported by excise taxes on sport fishing equipment, recreational boats, boat fuel and interest on the fund.